Welcome to Ausbildungshilfe Westafrika e.V.
Training brings future
With the vocational training center for building trade in Accra/Ghana, we would like to offer disadvantaged young people the opportunity to build a decent life in their homeland. Thus, prospects of permanent residence are opened-up for those people.
In this way, we are doing nothing less than combating migration and causes of flight in sustainable ways. Few people leave their home, their families, their friends on their own free will; they are usually forced to do so, since they do not see any perspective at all for themselves.
The training program allows young people to build a better future in their homeland.
Those who would like to build a personal relationship with the young people can also adopt a sponsorship for financial assistance.
Self-help instead of flight.

and unemployment in general are a major socio-economic and political problem in Ghana. Employment growth, especially in the formal sector, has not kept pace with economic growth in recent years. Job creation was also far from sufficient to meet the increasing number of young potential newcomers.

We will establish a vocational training center in Accra. Start of construction is scheduled for June/July 2019. In the initial phase, we will train 20 young people to become metal workers. The training lasts for 2.5 years. Then we will also train air conditioning technicians, electricians and plumbers. The training center Accra should be financially self-suportive in the foreseeable future.

In order for us to open our first training workshop in Ghana, we depend on donations. We would be glad if you could support us with your donation. They make a valuable contribution to the future of the youth of Ghana. We are recognized by the tax office Saarbrücken under the tax number 040/141/17461 as a non-profit organization and are entitled to issue certificates of tax deductibility. You can find our donation account here.
What drives tens of thousands of Ghanaians each year on this life-threatening journey to Europe? What needs to happen so that they instead invest their energy in the development of their country? Ghana is not a failed state like Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan or Central African Republic. Although Ghana is listed at the lower end of the middle-income countries in 2017, Ghana was ranked 52nd in the world poverty list in 2012. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), in 2016 one in five people or almost every fourth human being in 2018 lived below the poverty line in Ghana.
Especially lack of money, misery and poverty and lack of prospects in their own country are causes of flight that drive many Africans from their homeland. Rashid al Hassan, who used to work as a taxi driver in Tamale, poor northern Ghana, explains the situation: „Your parents have no work; Your brothers and sisters have no work. And they all look at you, the big brother; but you can not do anything for them. That’s why I went to Libya. I could send my mother a hundred dollars every two or three months for my siblings. Additionally, at some point you also want to marry and have children yourself. But how do you want to take care of these children? „